Information on resource 'Galileo EPD Calibrated Corrected Delta Event Data Collection'

These are reprocessed measurements by the Engergetic Particle Detector (EPD) instrument onboard the Galileo spacecraft that orbited Jupiter and measured intensities of ion and electron radiation in the keV and MeV energy range. This set is version 31 of reprocessing and version 1.0 of PDS delivery. The TOFxE and DeltaExE files include event data of ion measurements. Event data are different than the channelized data in the high, medium, and low resolution files. Event data record the full information of a measured particle. Every "event" is the measurement of a time of flight (TOF) within the instrument and energy deposited within a detector (TOFxE file), or two energy values deposited within the two detector layers (DeltaExE file). The deposited energy values are generally different from the energy the particle has in the ambient space. Event data provides measured values in the native resolution of the instrument. Because such high resolution increases data volume, event data cannot be taken continuously and downlinked all the time. Only the provided subset of this data was kept. The files are comma separated. Invalid entries will have values of -1.000000E+38. Times are provided in the format Year.DOYHHMMSSM (first column) and fractional year (second column) More information can be found in the User Guide. This file includes measurements by the EPD/CMS/DeltaExE instrument. For each counted event, the energy deposited in the two solid state detector layers (Ej_keV and Ek_keV columns) of the instrument are recorded.

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